Sunday, January 27, 2008

Midterm study diversion (I)

If you need a break from studying for the midterm, think about this: Who Discovered Bayes's Theorem?

You think it's obvious, right? Bayes, of course. Well, it's not so obvious. In fact, Stephen M. Stigler, professor of statistics across town at University of Chicago, wrote an article by just that title back in 1983 in the respected journal The American Statistician. (vol 37, no 4, pp. 290-296) We have access to that journal through Depaul online library. I'm in the middle of reading it and I must say it's a very entertaining piece. Sort of a whodunit for the mathematically inclined.
If you haven't taken advantage of the Depaul online library system yet, I highly recommend that you learn how to use it. It's a great resource and, after all, you're paying for it.

Here's how you can get to this article:
1. Access the online library at:
2. Click the link for Journal & Newspaper Articles in the Research section of the page.
3. Enter "american statistician" in the search box on the left and click Search.
4. The results screen shows the 5 locations that we have this journal (1 in print and 4 online) and the years covered by each location.
5. Since we're looking for an article from 1983, the only location that has that year is the first online location: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection. Click that link.
6. Now you'll need your Depaul Campus Connect ID to log in to access the article.
7. You're now in JSTOR for The American Statistician. Click the link to Search This Journal and then run an article title search on "Who Discovered Bayes's Theorem". The rest is self-explanatory. Feel free to email me or post a comment if you have trouble getting to this article.

BTW, I skimmed the TOC of that issue and saw an article that looked interesting: On the Effect of Class Size on the Evaluation of Lecturers' Performance by Prof. Ayala Cohen of Technion. I scanned the article. Looks interesting.

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